Foodelicious Madrid | 舌尖上的马德里 # 1

Museo del Jamón (Ham Museum)


大概分三篇讲完,按大致地点分类。分别是火腿博物馆、San Miguel市场、其他小菜们。

A series of posts about the cuisine in Madrid. 


Jamón ibérico(伊比利亚黑猪火腿) @ Museo del Jamón (火腿博物馆)

Cheese counter. Museo del Jamón (Ham Museum)

Museo del Jamón (Ham Museum)

Museo del Jamón (Ham Museum)

Museo del Jamón (Ham Museum)

Museo del Jamón (Ham Museum)
这个Museo del Jamón (火腿博物馆)去了两次。第一次是早午餐,一个可颂配啤酒,也见识到西班牙人早餐就开始喝啤酒的豪放作风。第二次是专门去吃火腿的,下午5、6点是西班牙人的下午茶时间,当地人为了免去空腹到晚上的饥饿之苦常常会吃个tapas,和同伴喝酒聊天。

火腿博物馆的菜单有足足两页火腿专项,各式各样的火腿、香肠和熏肉来自不同产地。如若问侍者有什么最推荐的,那一定伊比利亚黑猪火腿(Jamón ibérico / Iberian ham)不可。特别之处在于,这种猪是吃橡木果实长大的,需要饲养满1年半才能宰杀。侍者会告知有机器切片是手切之分,手切的更薄更纹理分明,食感美妙。深红色带着大理石花纹的火腿片,瘦肉劲道不柴,油脂丰富不腻,薄薄一片吃进口里,整个口腔在瞬间被香气充满,齿间稍甜且有坚果香,肥肉融化了渗入瘦肉间,味觉嗅觉和触觉的三重交响让食客毫不夸张地瞬间高潮……。

来西班牙海鲜饭可以不吃,Iberian ham不尝会死。

The Museo del Jamón (Ham Museum) was a treat. You see hundreds of different types hams and sausages from all over Spain hanging on the walls. We've been there twice: one just for breakfast and a beer and another for some real incredible jamón ibérico / Iberian ham.

The undisputed king of Spanish hams is made from the indigenous ibérico pig, which forages for acorns in the evergreen- oak forests of hilly, southwestern Spain. The adage that "you are what you eat" applies to these gray-skinned pigs as well, because the acorns impart a special nutty flavor to the ham. [via]

Our waiter recommended hand-sliced ham - the difference is that it is definitely thinner and therefore more flavored than those machine-sliced. The meat gives you the taste you can never find in other kinds of hams. The fat literally melts in between the lean parts and brings your mouth  a mixture of salty, sweet, and nutty taste. The complexity of the taste, smell and the texture of the ham gives you an orgasm in the mouth.