The Youngsters, Madrid # 2

Shoppers. Gran Via

Episode 2 of The Youngsters. We took a walk around the hipster downtown on 28 May, mostly just wandering around the busy shopping streets, plazas full of cafes and the flea market. These photos are taken at these 3 locations.

What I absolutely adore about the Madrid-ian youth is that they are so lively and passionate. There was always music on the streets, and they just danced to it like something could only be seen elsewhere at carnivals. It might be something to do with the time and place, perhaps.
Market El Rastro, the biggest flea market in Europe (or even in the world), was full of tourists and the locals on a Sunday morning surely.
Plaza de la Cebada at the Latin district, with a walk by the Theater La Latina and Market de la Cebada, the avenue leads all the way to the fabulous bar La Tomasa where street musicians performed together with fellow beer-drinking teenagers. At the corner there is Calle Cava Baja: the alley approximately 300 meters covered by restaurants, bars and cafeterias.

I cant remember exactly which ones we went to but the memory is still so fresh that the laughter, chattering, music and rhythm gets right into me looking at the pictures.


Market El Rastro市场是欧洲乃至世界最大的露天跳蚤市场,但个人以为跟巴黎的Les Puces相比还是逊色许多。上午11点已经人挤人,大多是游客在纪念品、首饰、衣服、工艺品摊间穿梭。

也经过了拉丁区的Plaza de la Cebada大道,左右分别有La Latina电影院和Market de la Cebada市场。路的尽头是热闹的酒馆La Tomasa,下午5、6点的时刻少年们已经将整条人行道和十字路口占领,抢到桌椅的便三五成群坐定,更多的是围在旁边的阶梯举着啤酒随着音乐说笑摇摆。阶梯中间有敲鼓和吉他的演奏,可一瞬便分不清到底谁是观众谁是演奏家,手舞足蹈的人们将小小的十足路口变换成露天舞池。


Flooded bar La Tomasa

Flooded bar La Tomasa

Gran Via

Gran Via

Market El Ratro

Taken with Canon 500D + 28-200mm f/3.5-5.6
Madrid, Spain. 27/28 May 2012

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